Please rewrite this AI written paper and make it human made. and add transition

Please rewrite this AI written paper and make it human made. and add transition

Please rewrite this AI written paper and make it human made. and add transition words to make a smooth paper.
Background context of the assignment: the paper was written based on the following instructions:
You will choose 5 songs based on the content of the readings you did. Then, you should include a 1 paragraph description of why you chose that song. There are no restrictions on musical genre, no requirement that there be lyrics or that lyrics be in a particular language. You must, however, connect each song choice to the reading in a coherent way. Your playlist must include the following:
– The name and a very brief description of the artist 
– What is the song about?
– What is the relevance of the song to a concept that you learned in the course? 
– How does the song resonates with your own experiences in the quest for excellence, and meaningful existence?


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