Answer the following 7 questions; use the powerpoints attached for most of the a

Answer the following 7 questions; use the powerpoints attached for most of the assistance rather than other sources. APA Cite only. Answers to 2-6 should not be long just short and concise. 1and 6 should meet their minimum noted within the question.
1. Research and discuss a case of child abuse or neglect, either an act of commission or omission. In your discussion, state whether having a standard definition of child abuse and/or neglect would be beneficial and if so why? Answer this question with a minimum 500 words.
2. What do you think did more to help improve the lives of children: the orphan trains or the sensational case of Mary Ellen Wilson?
3. How can one tell the difference between maltreatment and accidental injury? What are the warning signs in children or the elderly who may be maltreated, abused, and/or neglected?
4. Visit the website: or and find a bill or law in your state that addresses child maltreatment or elderly abuse. What is one bill or law that you found regarding child abuse or elderly abuse and what is its status? How might this bill or law affect the children or elderly in your state?
5. Is there an absolute definition of abuse and neglect? If not, should there be, why or why not? Please provide examples of abuse and neglect in your answer.
6. In your opinion, is one form off abuse or neglect worse than another? Be able to support your answer with information from your readings.
7. Understanding Elder Abuse and Its Dynamics – YouTube Write a summary of the video, your opinion on the video and how the video relates to what you have been learning in the course; this should be between 250-500 words


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