Select the form (traditional policing, community policing, intelligence led poli
Select the form (traditional policing, community policing, intelligence led policing, problem oriented policing) of policing that you believe to be the most effective and justify your response with empirical evidence. Research and use one law enforcement organization (name the organization) that have used this form of policing and explain how the location was successful (or not) in their implementation of the program/philosophy. Don’t forget to cite your sources.
The assignments will be graded on content, completeness, knowledge of topic(s), spelling, grammar, sentence/paragraph structure, mechanical errors, adhering to the directions and the rubric
Your response to the question(s) should be on one (1) full page double spaced (no longer), a second page should be used for references only (no title page, no running header etc.). Place the topic title at the top center of the first page. DO NOT put your name or any other information on the paper. Your paper should not include long quotes (or to many quotes) in your papers, your papers should be composed of your research and your own thoughts put into your own words. You are required to use two (2) scholarly, peer reviewed or government references for each assignment, the textbook can be used as a reference. Scholarly, peer reviewed and government material can be found through the UNF library internet page. Newspapers and magazines can be used to supplement, but not replace the required two references. APA format must be used for all in-text citations, quotations, references, acronyms, punctuation, capitalization etc. Failing to utilize proper in-text citations, quotations, references, acronyms, punctuation, capitalization etc. will result in significant point reductions. Your paper(s) should written in 11 font, Times New Roman or Arial with one inch margins. The written assignment rubric will be used for grading. An APA guide is available