The purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn, and write about sp
The purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn, and write about specific elements of a
health care worker’s career. For this paper, you will explore different areas of your health care
1) Job Description
2) Education/Registration/Certification
3) Job Outlook and Employment
4) Professional Activities
To this end, you will conduct a personal interview with a Health Care Professional of your choice
in order to get an “inner-view” into this career. Your paper will conclude with a reflection section
where you write out your short-term and long-term personal career plan in narrative form.
You will be graded on certain elements for each section, so make sure to understand and carefully
follow the scoring rubric for this paper as well as the information in this document. The Miami
Dade College Medical Campus Library has resources which can assist you with your research and
citing needs.
• Describe the care/service provided by the healthcare professional
• Describe the limits of authority and responsibility – legislated “scope of practice” for
this health care career
• Describe the “Code of Ethics” for this health care occupation
• Describe the educational requirements for the profession/occupation
• Identify at least two different educational institutions/schools offering the program.
• State how much time it takes to complete the program
• Describe the approximate cost for each of the educational institutions
• What is the minimum degree or certification that can be earned for this health care
• Identify the professional certification or registration required
• What is the job availability for this profession? How many jobs are expected to
become available?
• Growth trends in the field: How much is the profession growing?
• Number of jobs advertised locally for example in the Sunday Herald or other
• Is experience required for the jobs? How much? Explain.
• Salaries – Entry level and with experience
• Advancement opportunities, two or more, with or without additional education